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Digipak Photo Editing

After deciding on the images for the final six panels for our Digipak, I edited the photos in order to enhance the bright vintage colours and exaggerate the lighting without it look over edited. I experimented with different programmes such as PowerPoint, Corel Draw, and Corel Photo Paint and found that Corel Photo Paint had the most sufficient tools to use for the look we endeavoured to create. These included adjusting the brightness, contrast and intensity. I then selected colours and increased the vibrance and saturation. I'm really happy with how the images have turned out post-editing, they look much cleaner and crisper and the enhancement of the colours allows the images to stand out, complying with the themes presented throughout our work in order to appeal to the target audience.  Examples of before and after editing are shown on the right and our final six panel choices are shown below. 

Before Editing
Before Editing
After Editing
After Editing
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