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Magazine Advert



Our Sketches

Phoebe's Design

Rosie's Design

This design takes inspiration from the tea party 'Alice in Wonderland' themed conceptual elements of our music video. Its use of bright extravagant colours really complies with the 'pop' genre, and irony is shown between the image and the album title. I like this magazine advert however I worry that it is too suited to the pop genre and doesn't really portray any signs of indie. We must remember that our genre is hybrid, therefore we have endeavoured to keep a clear balance between both the pop and indie genres throughout the project in order to appeal to our target audience.

My Design

In contrast, Rosie's magazine advert design takes inspiration from the performance elements of our music video. It shows a slightly less extravagant approach to use of colours, making it minimalistic which complies with the indie genre. The most important aspect of the advert to stand out is the album title which is conventional for the indie genre, however this is challenged through having an image of the artist on the advert. Most indie bands do not feature on their albums, adverts etc as they consider their music to be of more importance. I like that radio station ratings are featured on the advert, and I think the placing of them adds to the 'quirkiness' portrayed.

My design takes inspiration from the conceptual tea party elements of our music video, however a more simple approach to the first design by Phoebe shown above. It still incorporates bright colours in order to comply with the pop genre, however the simplicity of the image tones the use of colours down in order to create a balanced indie-pop design. The use of the 'PINK LEMONADE' letter props are shown to display the album title which creates synergy. I think the minimalism and simplicity of this magazine advert is successfully unorthodox, which is an aspect that would appeal to our target audience. I would like to experiment with different placings of the text on this design, perhaps with inspiration from Rosie's magazine advert.

Our Designs

We all went on to create our designs using the editing software Corel Photo Paint. We endeavoured to create a variety of designs in order to take into consideration all different types of creativity and ideas from the group. By producing a variation, we will be able to identify what works and what doesn't and which aspects are best fitted to the indie-pop genre. Our designs are shown below.

Phoebe's Design

Rosie's Design

Olivia's Design

This is Rosie's magazine advert design. I like the use of the image taken from the performance element of the video as it shows synergy and is also an example of a binary opposite to the conceptual elements seen in our other products such as our digipak according to Levi Strauss. However, we felt that it was best to use an image from the conceptual 'tea party' scene to show continuity. It's important that our work is distinguishable and recognisable as a whole. Overall we felt this design wasn't really the look we were going for as it lacks professionalism and smoothness throughout. The use of fonts seems to be the main distraction within this design, as they are all different which shows a lack of continuity. These fonts were taken from the editing software Corel Photo Paint therefore we endeavour to research into different fonts, perhaps from online sources, to ensure we create the exact look we are going for. Although we aren't happy with the design, trial and error is what will make our final design strong and effective and well suited to our target audience.

This is Phoebe's magazine advert design. I really like the choice of image, it's quirky and synergises with the title of our music video, however the same image was used on our digipak - I think we should show unique ideas throughout our media products so perhaps using the same image is not the best idea. The colour of the font really compliments the image and as a result it looks playful and fun, fitting in well with the themes created throughout our video, however it could be argued that it is too suited to the pop genre and shows no elements of indie. According to the audience's line of vision, in this design the sizing of the font means that the artist name is the first thing we see; this is unconventional for the indie genre as during the research and planning process I found that indie bands like the focus to be on their music, not themselves. This needs to be taken into consideration when designing our final magazine advert.

This is my magazine advert design. The image was taken from the conceptual elements of our music video which synergises with the rest of our products. The use of our 'PINK LEMONADE' props to show the album title shows originality and an unorthodox approach, complying with the indie genre. The placings of the font are fun and effective and the sizing of the artists name was kept small to ensure the main focus was on the music, following conventions. The sans serif handwritten style font shows continuity as the same style font was used in our digipak. By including aspects such as music company logos and radio station reviews the professionalism of the advert is enhanced. Overall this design works really well with the rest of our ancillaries and the group have agreed that this is the strongest design so far. It's minimalistic which is effective however I worry that there is too much empty space.

Due to the only cristism of the design shown above being too much empty space, the group created a fourth design of which took inspiration from my design on a different image. The image was shot in the same location however the angle meant less empty space was created. The image also includes the dog used in the music video, which shows synergy and adds to the fun playful theme created. It also complies with Barthes semic code as it creates connotations and deeper meanings to those that haven't seen the music video. We chose to use the same fonts, colours, and elements as the design shown above as we all agreed that the style created was well suited to the indie pop genre and our products. We feel this design is the strongest and we are very happy with the results.

Group Design


We decided that the strongest two designs were the final two shown above; my design and the group design. However we wanted to ensure we were guaranteed audience satisfaction, as the audience choose what they want to see, and their satisfaction is in their control according to the reception theory. Therefore Rosie put together some questions of which she asked to a mix of media and non media students. This allowed us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each design and helped to us to make a final decision through obtaining target audience feedback. Rosie put together a video of the results, of which is shown below.

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